In the past QuickBooks had an optional Audit Trail feature that you could choose whether or not to enable. However, recent versions of the program automatically enable Audit Trail, so every change made to a transaction in QuickBooks is logged automatically. Although this may seem Orwellian, you may find that you sometimes need to carry… Read More

Day-to-day transactions like receiving payments from customers or paying vendors occur so frequently that most QuickBooks users do them automatically. However, from time to time you may encounter an infrequent transaction that will stop you in your tracks. In this article we’ll discuss several common tricky transactions and offer advice on how to handle them.… Read More

Seven Ways to Search QuickBooks Hiring Summer Employees? QuickBooks Can Track Their Time Save Time for Summer by Memorizing Transactions Is It Time to Adjust Your Pricing? How QuickBooks Can Help Turn Over a New Cliche: Adopt Best Practices Using the Add/Edit Multiple List Entries Feature Tracking Bills in QuickBooks – Worth the Effort Classes… Read More

These days, some of us find ourselves updating multiple calendars. There’s the Outlook calendar or other web-based solution for scheduling and task management. Or, maybe a smartphone app to track a “to-do” on the road with a paper calendar as backup. But where do you keep track of your everyday financial tasks? Including these in… Read More

You’re meeting your sales goals. Keeping inventory balanced. Making sure that every billable hour gets invoiced. Taking advantage of vendor discounts. Basically, doing everything in your power to keep cash flow humming. But you can’t control how quickly your customers pay you. You can, though, use QuickBooks’ tools to: Make it easier for customers to… Read More

There are numerous ways to prioritize your workday. Do the most difficult things first. Get important phone calls out of the way. Respond to customer emails. But it’s likely that one activity takes precedence when you see that it needs to be done: recording payments. While you’re probably very careful with this process, it’s critical… Read More

Depositing Payments in QuickBooks: The Basics Satisfying though it may be to enter all of those customer payments manually on a paper deposit slip, it can also be tedious and time-consuming. The more successful in business you are, the more time and care it takes. Whether you accept cash, checks, or credit/debit cards, QuickBooks has… Read More

If your small business sells products, you know how precisely you must track your starting stock numbers, ongoing inventory levels, and your reorder points. QuickBooks provides tools to help with this process, but human factors can sometimes throw off your careful counts. Fortunately, QuickBooks is remarkably flexible when it comes to recording the time your… Read More

One of the reasons that QuickBooks appeals to millions of small businesses is because it offers multiple ways to complete the same tasks, which accommodates different work styles. Say, for example, you wanted to look up a specific invoice. You could: Go to the Customer Center and select the customer, and then scan through the… Read More

You send invoices because you sold products and/or services. Purchase orders go out when you’re running low on inventory, and there are always bills to pay, it seems like. All of this activity is, of course, important in itself, but all of your conscientious bookkeeping culminates in what’s probably the most critical element of QuickBooks:… Read More