Ten Overlooked QuickBooks Reports That You Should Use 16 Bank Reconciliation Tips and Tricks Use Accounting Ratios to Stave Off Financial Problems Profit & Loss Report Versus Statement of Cash Flows QuickBooks Helps You Navigate Tricky Waters How To Easily Track Your Inventory How to Take the Pain Out of Paying Your Bills 4 Ways… Read More

Are you considering processing your own payroll in QuickBooks? Whether you’re moving from a payroll service or getting ready to pay your first employee, you’re taking on a complex set of tasks that requires a great deal of setup and absolute precision. But the reward is complete control over your compensation records and transactions, and… Read More

How do you let your customers know how much they owe you, and for what products or services? In these days of ecommerce and merchant accounts, your customers may provide a credit card number over the phone or on a website. Or perhaps you send invoices after a sale and receive checks or account numbers… Read More

Much of the work you do in QuickBooks is short-term. You send an invoice and it gets paid. Your purchase order is fulfilled, and the products move into your inventory. You run payrolls and submit their related taxes and other payments. Managing the life cycle of your fixed assets is an exception. Fixed assets are… Read More

Billing for inventory parts is easy. Pick the items from a list and specify a quantity. Poof. Done. Billing for costs, time or mileage is a little more complex. QuickBooks has built-in tools to help you do this, but it’s a bit of a process. To simplify your workflow, do this groundwork first: Go to… Read More

As it usually does this time of year, Intuit has introduced new versions of its Pro and Premier products. QuickBooks 2012 promises to help you get better organized, save steps, and acquire more in-depth financial insights. The new Express Start is designed for businesses that want to blast through setup and start entering customers and… Read More

We are living in a period of “accelerated change”. Indeed, the ground does seem to be shifting beneath us almost faster than we can comprehend, so it’s important to stay nimble in these difficult times. One way you can do so is to closely manage your prices. In some cases you may need to ratchet… Read More

Settle Up Fast with Quickbooks’ Bill Paying Tools Some of the financial crystal ball-types are telling us there are signs that the recession may be drawing some of its last breaths. But those bills are still coming in, and you may have had a long, dry summer and less income that you can use to… Read More

Do you know where your physical inventory items are? Whether you keep them in a closet, in an unused office, or a warehouse, you need to keep a close watch on how many products you have, how many have been ordered, and when it’s time to reorder. Fortunately, QuickBooks has tools that help you track… Read More

QuickBooks was designed to be used by millions of businesses. In fact, it’s possible to install it, answer a few questions about your company and start working right away. However, we strongly suggest you take the time to specify your Preferences. QuickBooks devotes a whole screen to this customization process. You can find it by… Read More