Come spring time, most people are eager to throw open the doors and windows, and do some spring cleaning. It’s a good time to “spring clean” Quickbooks as well. It’s not difficult to see when your home needs cleaning, but QuickBooks company file errors are harder to detect, including: Performance problems Inability to execute specific… Read More

If you asked five small business owners to name the top three roadblocks they face in their quest for ongoing profitability, it’s likely that all five would point to slow payments. It’s everyone’s problem. Accounts receivable requires constant monitoring. As satisfying as it can be to dispatch a group of invoices, you know that it’s… Read More

Undoubtedly, there are some QuickBooks tasks that are more enjoyable than others. It’s no fun paying bills, for example, and making collection calls on unpaid invoices can be downright unpleasant. But you probably don’t mind recording payments after all of your hard work creating products or providing services, sending invoices or statements, and generating reports… Read More

If Intuit named its desktop versions of QuickBooks by the version number rather than the year we’d be in version 20-something by now. QuickBooks, still the preferred software for small businesses, keeps getting smarter in its annual upgrades. Rather than pile on tons of new features in its upgrades, for many years now, Intuit has… Read More

Although Intuit did a great job of giving QuickBooks’ home page a fresher, more open� look in its 2013 versions, maybe some of your screens have become unnecessarily cluttered. Perhaps your QuickBooks company file needs some attention as well. By taking a few minutes to do some �spring cleaning� you’ll have a tidier workspace, and… Read More

Zero In On Key Report Figures You’ve undoubtedly created reports that were so lengthy that you got tired of scrolling up and down to find totals for each individual section. QuickBooks lets you collapse and expand reports to see primary totals only, but this command affects the entire report. If you want to just collapse… Read More

When you think about it, it’s pretty amazing that Intuit is able to pack the lion’s share of your financial data into one giant company file. Certainly makes it easier to separate from QuickBooks and move when necessary. There are actually three options for saving and relocating that file. You know about backups, since you… Read More

Accounting in the cloud is closer than you might think. In fact, it’s here, in some cases.QuickBooks Online, of course, is entirely cloud-based, but it does not yet offer all of the features found in Intuit’s top-of-the-line products, Premier and Enterprise. In the meantime, Intuit itself, as well as third-party developers, have built online apps… Read More

If you make one resolution about improving your accounting procedures in 2012, it should be this: Make extensive use of the tools that QuickBooks offers for report modification. Comprehensive, meticulously-shaped reports that flow out of your carefully-constructed records and transactions are your reward for pounding on the keys every day, conscientiously recording income and expenses.… Read More

No matter which version of QuickBooks you’re using, there are always ways to make your workday easier. As with any software, we tend to learn the features we need and not much more. But small changes in the way you operate can add up to significant time savings and more accurate files. If you jumped… Read More